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Du nouveau au projet Habitat Veridis

SIDEV Group announced that Construction Voyer, Presti Homes, Construction Beauchamp Ouellet & fils and KF Construction will join Construction Bertrand Dionne to develop the Habitat Veridis project.

Voyer construction and Presti Homes and Developments offer models of luxurious homes for deliveries summer / fall 2015.

The models will be in harmony with the units already built by our builder Construction Bertrand Dionne and will allow all customers who would like to build a new house, to have a more varied selection of builder and models on the project.

The semi-detached home Gemini model is now built by Construction Beauchamp Ouellet & fils.
Very soon, KF Construction will join the group for market the Horizon triplex on Peladeau Street. These builders are known for their professionalism, quality and finish of their construction.

Open house day for Habitat Veridis

Saturday, September 20, 2014 we held the open house day for Habitat Veridis. It was a great success and we would like to thank everyone who came to learn and discover our superb major residential project.

All hostesses were present to offer personalized tours of our model homes such as single-family homes, semi-detached and condos as well as to explore the environment and the project scope.

The presence of Marie-Christine Lavoie and suppliers involved in the project contributed positively and were an integral part of the success of this event.

Our first homes have been delivered!

Do not miss our open house event

September 20th from 12 to 5 pm

Come and visit our model homes and condo.

A feast for the eyes with special guest, Marie-Christine Lavoie and all our partners.


HABITAT VERIDIS is a new residential project located in downtown area Auteuil Laval. HABITAT VERIDIS is distinguished mainly by the importance of green spaces, but also by its strategic location as a Montreal suburb.

The new project located in Auteuil ultimately resulted in its phase of infrastructure. Indeed, after several years of planning and negotiation, the City of Laval authorities have agreed to start the work of this major residential project.

Projet domiciliaire estimé à 500 M$ dans Auteuil

Stéphane St-Amour
Publié le 15 novembre 2013

Dans les cartons depuis 2004, le mégaprojet domiciliaire Habitat Veridis prévu dans le quartier Auteuil a finalement obtenu le feu vert. La Commission municipale du Québec a approuvé, le 1er novembre, la résolution adoptée 2 semaines plus tôt par le comité exécutif, à l'effet d'autoriser la corporation SIDEV à aller de l'avant avec son développement qui, à terme, comptera pas moins de 2000 unités d'habitation pour une valeur foncière totale estimée à un demi-milliard de dollars.

Au nombre des plus importantes sociétés de gestion et d’investissements immobiliers au Québec, SIDEV se donne une douzaine d'années pour développer les 3,6 millions de pieds carrés en friche qu'elle détient, à l'est de la rue Prince-Rupert, entre les avenues des Perron, au nord, et Lacasse, au sud.